Paint Booth, Collapsible Painting booth V1.0, Pat Spencer's ID:204

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Make/Model v1.0
Serial number N/A
Original owner Donated by Pat Spencer
Loan status Donated
Arrival date ?
Location DMZ Zone
Functional status Under Development to V2.0
Usage permissions anyone
Certification None
Wiki-ID [[]]
Label 1.0" 1.5" 2.0"


This Booth was donated by Pat Spencer in response to discussion about a painting project by @David.C

See this Forum Post-->

It was offered and used successfully to do the pinball game painting, and is stored in the DMZ area against the wall.

Note that this is a V1.0 (Early prototype) of a small portable Paint booth that servers 2 needs:

  1. Provides a low dust environment for spray painting
  2. Send fumes outside

The booth was designed to be set up and taken down using an electric screwdriver, screws, some poly, and a few 2x2's.

It has been suggested that this is too hard to set up and could use a revision to make it more usable.

There are 2 possible versions that may come out of this discussion:

  1. Make it easier to use as it is currently designed. or
  2. Redesign for a "use-in-Place" kind of setup that would be even easier to use.

Both of these suggestions have some compromises, so a review and member consensuses is needed.


The Current configuration requires the following steps to set up:

  • Roll the base unit out and place in front of the garage door
  • Carry the door unit over and get it ready to fasten to the base unit
  • Attach the door unit to the base unit using either the 4 sample 2x2's that are provided, or
  • Attach the door unit to the base unit using longer 2x2's that you will need to provide. The size is up to you.
  • wrap poly over the end walls and the roof so as to seal the unit for spraying.
  • raise the garage door about 10 to 12 inches to expose the rear of the blower on the base unit. This is a bit of a hack, but you also need to plug the door that is on each side of the base unit.
  • turn on power switch on the base unit to start the fan.

Planned Upgrades

It is obvious that this needs to be easier for the novice to set up, as well as improving the exhaust air management.

The V2.0 of this is planned as follows:

  • Build end wall slabs that allow them to remain attached to the base unit, as well as collapse for storage. The proposal is to make 4 units that are 78" high by 32" wide. Included in this build are hinges that allow the end wall units to fold in like an accordion. These can remain attached and provide a booth that is 72 inches deep.
  • Provide a retractable roof. There is a design using a roller or long weight to slide the roof back at it is deployed.
  • Replace Base unit poly with a more resilient fabric dropcloth. I have purchased a 9' by 15' drop for this purpose. All that is needed is to sew up an edge so that it will be resilient.
  • Alter the electrical to move the power switch to the inside of the booth, as well as an electrical outlet for lights.
  • construct a floor sweep style air exhaust for porting the air from the booth to the outside. The initial thought is to make some sort of HVAC type adaptor that takes the 12"x12" exhaust from the base unit fan, and adapt this to a 48"x3" low profile sweep that the door rests on. There would also be 2 48"x3" door plugs that would allow this to plug the door when deployed. The door is 12 feet wide. Concept drawing is coming

Detailed photos (V1.0)


