Educational resources

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Links and information for learning new skills


This is a placeholder for when people post anything that would be relevant


This is a placeholder for any information (links?) for anything relevant to the Thunder laser


This is the place for any information (links?) for anything relevant to the Trotec laser

  • [how-to-install-fonts-in-windows-10] This is a placeholder on how to install fonts. We need to figure out a ProtoSpace procedure that allows for installing "for all users".

Ruby. Did you know that Trotec is phasing out the Printer Driver Job Control and replacing it with Ruby?

Protospace has licensed Ruby and encourages you learn and use it. The Login to use Ruby is simple. It is documented on the computer that you use to operate the laser.


Surely there must be something that someone can post that will fill this space?

Metal Working

  • Blondiehacks lathe skills An excellent entry level youtube playlist intro to lathe cutting, measurement and operation theory.
  • Blondiehacks mill skills Similar to lathe skills...but for the mill.
  • This Old Tony General metalworking. Some welding, some CNC conversion, milling, grinding and assorted random projects, heavy on the dad jokes.



  • What is CNC? A high level introduction to CNC tools, workflow and introduction to feeds and speeds
  • Learn Fusion in 30 days - Tutorials Series
  • DXF Addon for Fusion 360. By adjusting your geometry for the width of the laser cut you have full control over how tightly your parts fit together. By using this add-in with a small (or even negative) value for your kerf you can make loose fitting parts for a child's puzzle perhaps, or you can make parts that need to be gently pounded together for no-glue assembly



  • Punished Props Academy Lots of tutorials on foam work, painting and weathering, vacuforming, mold making and casting.