Logic analyzer (HP 1631D) ID:19
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This article is about a tool that is no longer at Protospace. Further information can be found below. |
- Type: Logic Analyser
- Make/Model: HP 1631D
- Serial Number: 2551A 0 1 7 8 5
- Original Owner: Mark Carlson
- Removed by: {{{removedby}}}
- Removal Reason: Surplus Equipment Purge
- Loan Status: Donation to Protospace
- Arrival Date: Pre-2013
- Removal Date: 2022
- Replacements: {{{replacements}}}
- Location: {{{location}}}
- Functional Status: Functional. (Does not save user configuration, as of the last time Mark Carlson used it; not sure if this is a malfunction or not)
- Usage Permissions: Open to Members
- Certification: Demo
- Wiki-ID: 19
Specs taken from the datasheet. Click the "Expand" button on the right to view.
- 1 Specs
- 1.1 Memory
- 1.2 State Analysis Mode
- 1.3 Timing Analysis Mode
- 1.4 Analog Analysis Mode
- 1.5 Analog Operating Conditions
- 1.6 Interactive State/Timing/Analog Analysis Mode
- 1.7 Software Performance Analysis and Overview Modes
- 1.8 Measurement Aids
- 1.9 State/Timing/Analog Inputs
- 1.10 Labels
- 1.11 Physical Characteristics
- 1.12 Operating Environment
- 2 Documents
- Data acquisition: 1024 words
- Compare: 16 words
- Memory search: all patterns within a label set may be marked or separately displayed
State Analysis Mode
- Clocks
- Clock edges: for each of three ORed clocks, select either or both edges; separate edges of one clock may be used for multiplexed modes
- Repetition rate, single phase: 25 MHz for single edge of single clock; 20 MHz for any combinations of ORed clocks and edges
- Repetition rate, multiplexed: master clock must follow slave clock by at least 10 ns and precede next slave clock by at least 50 ns.
- Pulse width: ≥10 ns at threshold
- Setup time: ≥20 ns
- Hold time: zero
- Data Indexing
- Resources: four terms, including the Boolean NOT of each term, ALL patterns or NO pattern; terms may be used as often as needed
- Trigger: up to four resource terms in sequence; final sequence term may use up to four ORed resource terms
- Restart: up to four ORed terms to reinitiate sequence search
- Store Qualifiers: up to four ORed resource terms; may be separately defined for each term in the trigger sequence
- Occurrence: to 59 999; applies to final sequence term only
- Compare: width of analyzer by 16 words; trace until "equal to" or "not equal to" with each compare word matched to all 1024 words in memory; compare words may contain "don't care" terms
Timing Analysis Mode
- Clock
- Range: 10 ns to 500 ms in 1, 2, 5 sequence
- Accuracy: ±0.01%
- Glitch: min detectable glitch, 5 ns width at threshold; with glitch detection on, number of timing channels is halved
- Data Indexing
- Asynchronous pattern: 20 ns to 1 ms in 1, 2, 5 sequence with accuracy ±20% or 15 ns, whichever is greater; glitch or edge ANDed with asynchronous pattern
- Maximum time delay: approx 218 times the sample period, to 9999 s max
- Cursors: time between dual cursors (x and o) displayed to accuracy of one sample period
- Expansion: X1 to X40 in 1, 2, 4 sequence; standard display shows entire 1k memory at X1
Analog Analysis Mode
- Channel 1 and 2 (Vertical)
- Probe factors: 1:1, 10:1, or 50:1 probe attenuation factors may be entered to scale the LA to input voltages at the probe tip
- Range: 40 mV to 2.5 V full scale
- Bandwidth (-3 dB) DC-coupled: DC to 50 MHz
- DC gain accuracy: ±2.5% of full-scale
- Analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) resolution: ±1 LSB, which is ±1.6% of full-scale
- Transition time: ≤5.25 ns, 20% to 80% of full-scale
- Trigger
- Sources: channel 1, channel 2, or external trigger input
- Edge: rising or falling edge may be chosen for any source
- Time Base (Horizontal)
- Sample period: 5 ns to 500 ms in 1, 2, 5 sequence
- Range: 500 µs to 500 s full-scale (10 divisions)
- Time base accuracy:
- Sample period: ±0.01%
- Time-interval measurement accuracy (equal rise and fall times): single-shot, ±1.5 ns for 5 ns sample period, ±1 sample period for sample periods of 10 ns or greater; continuous, ±1.5 times sample period, based on 100 average
- Delay tracepoint: equals trigger plus delay; tracepoint can be delayed from 0 to about 260k sample periods after the trigger
Analog Operating Conditions
- Digitizer: two channels are digitized simultaneously
- Digitizing technique (real-time digitizing): all data points are digitized at equal selectable increments in time on each acquisition
- Digitizing rate: selectable, 2 sps to 200 Msps
- Voltage resolution: 6 bits, 1 part in 64
- Acquisition memory: 1024 samples, 6 bits/channel, 2 channels; up to 1000 samples are used for display; magnifier allows full-screen display from 1000 samples to 25 samples; the entire 1024-sample record can be accessed via HP-IB (GPIB) and HP-IL.
Interactive State/Timing/Analog Analysis Mode
- Acquisition: analog, timing, and state data acquisition occur simultaneously
- Arming: either of the three analyzers can be master while the remaining two are slave
- Master state: the waveform analyzer and the timing analyzer can be simultaneously armed by the full data indexing capability of the state analyzer
- Master timing: the waveform analyzer and the state analyzer can be simultaneously armed by the full data indexing capability of the timing analyzer
- Master analog: the timing analyzer and the state analyzer can be simultaneously armed by the full analog indexing capability of the waveform analyzer
- Tracepoint alignment: analogy timing, and state acquisition data can be correlated in time
- Mixed display: timing channels can be displayed on the same screen with analog channels; the tracepoint and time/div are common to timing and analog in this display mode, and set by the timing analyzer
Software Performance Analysis and Overview Modes
- XY Chart: all 1024 events/samples for any label group can be displayed as a chart of order of occurrence by magnitude; max and min vertical limits are user-specified
- Time interval histogram: measures time between start and stop events defined for up to eight time ranges
- Time range: min size, 1 µs
- Display: histogram; min, max, average, and last time reading; total elapsed time; number of samples
- Resolution: for four-bit label group, 250 ns or 0.1% of reading, whichever is greater
- State histogram: sampled occurrence count of events in a label group of up to eight total user-defined ranges or values
- Max count: 263 - 1
- Resolution: ±0.01%
Measurement Aids
- Cursors: two cursors (X and O) are provided for making voltage and time measurements on displayed waveforms. Both absolute and differential values are provided for voltage measurements. Dual cursor time measurements can be made between two points on the same waveform or between two points on different waveforms.
- Cursor statistics: X to O cursor statistics are provided for continuous voltage and time measurements: max, min, mean, and standard deviation. Single cursor voltage statistics can be obtained between two points on the same waveform or between two points on different waveforms (time only).
- Cursor placement: both X and O cursors can be uniquely specified with respect to the tracepoint or acquisition start, by selection of channel 1 or 2, rising or falling edge, voltage level, hold or delay time.
State/Timing/Analog Inputs
- State/Timing Probe Inputs
- RC: 100 kΩ, ±2% shunted by approximately 5 pF at probe body
- Minimum swing: 600 mV p-p
- Minimum input overdrive (above pod threshold): 250 mV or 30% of input amplitude, whichever is greater
- Maximum voltage: ±40 V, peak
- Threshold voltage: -9.9 V to +9.9 V in 0.1-V increments
- Accuracy: 2.5%, ±120 mC
- Dynamic range: ±10 V about threshold
- Analog Inputs
- Input coupling: DC
- Input RC: 1 MΩ ±2%, shunted by approximately 14 pF
- Maximum safe input voltage: ±40 V (DC + peak AC)
- Input channel labels: Up to eight state, up to 16 timing, user-defined, five-character labels may be assigned bit patterns in any configuration up to 16 (HP 1630G) bits/label. Bits may be used in more than one label and need not be contiguous.
- User field: All labels with four bits or less allow mnemonics to be assigned to specific patterns. Primary use is to identify such functions as read, write, opcode, etc.
- Relocatable field: Up to sixteen module starting locations may be specified, allowing trigger parameters to be based on module names, plus an offset value.
- Time-of-day clock: A 24-hour clock prints out the time of data collection on all stored records.
- Activity markers: provided in the format display for identifying active inputs
Physical Characteristics
- Weight: ~30 lbs (13.6 kg)
- Size: 190 × 426 × 447 mm (7.5 × 16.8 × 17.6 in)
- Power: 115/230 VAC, -22% to + 10%; 48–66 Hz; 300 W max
Operating Environment
- Temperature: 0° to 55° C (32° to 131° F)
- Humidity: up to 95% relative humidity at 40° C
- Altitude: up to 4600 m (15 000 ft)
- Vibration: vibrated in three planes for 15 minutes each with 0.3 mm excursions, 5 to 55 Hz
- Datasheet: PDF (download)
- Getting Started Guide
- Operating and Programming Manual
- Service Manual: PDF PDF Scribd