Approved policies/Young Members

Young Person Membership Policy

As adopted January 10, 2015

Protospace has traditionally welcomed children and youth to the Maker culture. Young people have

participated individually, in organized groups, and with their families. Some have been members since

near the beginning, and some now hold adult memberships of their own.

It is necessary, however, to establish certain “ground rules” for the participation of a Young Person

wishing to be a member.

1. For the purpose of this policy, a Young Person means a person who has not yet reached the age of

majority in the Province of Alberta.

2. Prior to granting a membership to a young person, a director or designate will meet with the parent

or guardian of the young person to discuss the relationship between the young person, the

parent/guardian and Protospace.

3. The parent/guardian must sign or co-sign all legal documents on behalf of the young person.

4. The parent/guardian must agree that the parent/guardian is legally and personally responsible for

the Young Person and their involvement with Protospace.

5. The parent/guardian and the young person will be asked to confirm their understand by signing a

statement that includes at least these key points:

5.1. The Young Person must be accompanied at all times while at Protospace by a parent, guardian

or designated caregiver.

5.2. The Release of Liability and Waiver of Claims applies jointly to the parent/guardian and to the

Young Person.

5.3. Protospace is not a youth program and does not provide care or supervision. Protospace does

not conduct background checks or use Internet Filtering software. It is the parent/guardian who

must determine if an environment or activity is suitable for their young person.

5.4. The parent/guardian is responsible for the behaviour of the young person and ensuring that the

young person is trained, aware of safety rules, and dressed properly (including PPE) before

operating any equipment.

5.5. The parent/guardian is responsible for keys, fobs, access codes, accounts, etc., whether in the

name of the parent/guardian or of the young person.

5.6. Some activities may be designated as “adult only.” Some equipment may be designated “adult

use only.”

Calgary Protospace Ltd Page 1 of 2 Young Person Membership Policy

Bay 108, 1530 27 Avenue NE Adopted January 10, 2015

Calgary, AB, Canada

6. If the young person does not apply to be a member, but attends as a guest of their parent/guardian,

a “Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risks and Indemnity Agreement” must be

signed by the parent and include the child.

7. Groups of young people participating in organized activities (such as FLL, Robotics Teams, School

Tours, etc.) must still provide a signed “Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risks

and Indemnity Agreement” that names each young person. The amount of supervision required can

be established on a case-by-case basis, depending on the number of young people, ages, and type of
