Be a Course Instructor
Protospace thrives on members stepping up and being instructors.
Protospace can always use more instructors. Especially courses that gatekeep access to tools and the space:
Laser I: Basic Cutting and Engraving
Woodworking Tools 1: Intro to Saws
Woodworking Tools 2: Jointer, Thickness Planer, Drum Sander
Metal: Metal Cutting & Manual Lathe
Tormach: CAM and Tormach Intro
TODO: programatically generate list above from Spaceport
What do YOU get out of running classes?
Your Makerspace stays financially solvent
Members who use tools stick around longer. Members stick around = more recurring revenue
Students often pay money to access training. Protospace uses that money for tool repairs and even new tools. You made that happen!
Your Makerspace community uses tools better
Makerspaces with knowledgeable makers have tools use tools properly. Tools will break less, are maintained better and may even be actively improved by those that want more out of them
Serendipity and a stronger community
Teaching makes you more knowledgeable
Teaching well requires a strong grasp of the subject. Forcing yourself to teach forces you to understand the subject better - simplifying your own understanding, articulating it to the less experienced, concocting new ways to describe ideas are all ways that deepen and broaden your understanding of a subject.
Every now and again, someone you trained will continue down the path you set them on and teach you something you didn't know. This has happened numerous times at Protospace already!
Opportunity costs
Ego boost
Create a Class
Lorem ipsum duude
Create or Update a Course
A course
Common Challenges and FAQs
Where can I access course materials?
Slidesets are available here on Protospace's Google Drive. Please try to keep up to date versions of slide sets here.
As of 2022-03-21, several slightly more up-to-date slide sets exist on the classroom computer.
OK, I'm interested in running a class - how do I get started?
Running classes take a lot of time
Life is hectic and I don't think I have time for this
Teaching is its own skill
Public speaking makes me nervous
This is natural. Unfortunately, the only way to get over this is to jump in. Fortunately, as you build positive experiences, these nerves will disappear over time. Here are some suggestions to make those first few times a positive experience:
What if a student is more knowledgeable than me?
I don't feel qualified to run a class
I don't want to deal with disruptive jerks that may be in my class
This subject is too complicated to cover in one class
Reframe what you're teaching: You’re not here to train people to master a tool, you’re here to teach them how to safely operate a tool. You aren’t teaching them to cook, you’re teaching them how to operate the stove. It’s up to them to practice and experiment safely, and get better as they go. you're not trying to teach mastery here.
Students bailing or no-showing are a buzzkill
I get rusty not having done a course for awhile
Do it regularly - even once every 2-3 months is great.
Students are missing prerequisite information
Make it easy to run classes
Protospace is not-for-profit and relies on volunteers to operate. ANYTHING that reduces the barrier-to-entry and ongoing-costs for instructors should be prioritized over running classes. When we take care of instructors, classes and courses will follow.
Use existing course materials wherever possible
Shadowing and Co-instructors
Invite people to shadow or co-instruct.
Prioritize your comfort
Take breaks - 5 minute break for every 55 minutes is a good recommendation.
Drink water.
Don't do so many courses you burn out. Pick your cadence and stick to it. If you're willing to run one course a month, that's great! If you're willing to run once a quarter - that's also great! Beggars can't be choosers, and Protospace is the beggar here - pick what works for you and stick with it.
Encourage students to self-study
Link people to training materials. You're a volunteer, classes at protospace are for the self-motivated.
Do classes online
Run classes on your schedule
How can Protospace support its instructors better?
If you have a way to improve the instructor experience, please shout about it on the forum
Some ideas that have been suggested and/or require development:
- Volunteer Only Special Events a paid-for-by-Protospace subsidized-by-training-fees night to a comedy club, laser tag, arcade, movie, nerf battle etc
- Collecting a fraction of course fees - Suggested by Mike M
- A "Train the trainer" type of course to help new folks get their feet wet