Computers inventory

Revision as of 18:58, 22 July 2024 by Dmitra.stupak (talk | contribs)

Proto ThinkCentres were donated by Rene.


A catalogue of the ones we have.
Number Serial Location CPU Storage Memory Name Details
01 MG00G27C Principal's office i5-4590T 8 GB GlobalHQ Win10 Pro
?? MG007CW4 Principal's office ? ? ?
?? MJ025TCH Principal's office ? ? ?
04 MJ03UHF0 Classroom, outside of Principal's office 4x i5-6400T 500 GB
2 x 250 GB Partitions
8 GB ProtoGraph1 dual boot Ubuntu/Win10
05 MJ04CHTD Classroom lab #1 4x i5-6400T 250 GB SSD 4 GB
06 MJ03X2LD Welcome desk 4x i5-6400T 250 GB SSD 4 GB
07 MJ025AUN Welcome TV 8x i7-4765T 240 GB SSD 8 GB
Classroom Workstation 1
Classroom Workstation 2
Graphic Tablet Workstation Spacebar
Embroidery Machine Workstation
Digital Signage TV 1 Spacebar
Digital Signage TV 2 Spacebar
Mini CNC Bay Spacebar

aka protothinkcentre thinkcentres thinkcenter thinkcenters