Approved policies/Announcement Policy (2024): Difference between revisions

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Replaces (2021)
Replaces (2021)
Adopted Item 4

=== Policy: ===
=== Policy: ===

Latest revision as of 23:02, 20 June 2024

Meeting Agenda Notifications

Replaces (2021)


Adopted Item 4


Protospace members should be given advance notice of motions which require a vote with enough time to discuss and comprehend the motion. Ideally, all discussion, bikeshedding, and modification to a motion should be handled prior to the meeting, making the vote a formality. To minimize information overload burnout, only one announcement should be made per meeting under normal circumstances.


The meeting chair or designate shall:

1. Post and maintain as necessary a meeting agenda containing all relevant pitches and motions at least 72 hours prior to the meeting in question.

  • the agenda post will be made in the #Meetings section, as a wiki, allowing all members to contribute.

2. If the agenda contains any new business requiring a vote, post a meeting abstract to the Announcements section including a link to the agenda.

  • Announcement post should be made at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
  • All current members will be automatically notified via email by the forum based on the announcement.
  • Pitches and motions made after the cutoff may be added to the agenda, but do not merit a new announcement.
  • Late pitches and motions requiring extensive discussion should expect to be deferred to the next appropriate meeting.

Appendix a: Members wanting more granular control over their notification preferences can subscribe to entire forum categories such as #Pitches and Motions or #Meetings, or more granular tags such as #pitch. Access to watch-first-post tags such as #pitch #motion etc. to be immediately notified instead of waiting for the agenda.