Protospace VCarve pro Makerspace Client Installation instructions

Protospace has purchased a license for a Makerspace version of VCarve Pro Edition.

This license includes allowing a user to run a VCarve Pro Client at home and then bring in the files to Protospace to output G-CODE and submit to the CNC machines.

Note that this installation will allow you to use all functions of VCarve PRO Edition on your PC but it will not export G-CODE.

You must bring this files to a workstation licensed to Protospace and export the G-CODE from there.

The following instructions show you how to install VCarve PRO Edition on your PC, then get licensed as a Client for Protospace.


Step 1) - Download the trial version of VCarve: and Install it on your PC

Step 2) - Launch the program and skip through the licensing questions and simply get it installed with a basic 3-axis mill (the default Mill)

Step 3) - License the software using the Protospace Makerspace Client License.

- Goto Help => About VCarve Pro Trial Edition...


- Select the Enter Makerspace ID button.


- Enter Protospace unique code DF826-11F6F-F58EC-E23F9-AF8C9-2926F-45899


- Congratulations! You are now ready to run VCarve PRO version on your PC/workstation.

- After the modelling/designing is done, transfer this file to Protospace main workstation (upstairs) to finalize your project.

Creating files