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Courseware: Metal Lathe Training - Protospace Wiki

Courseware: Metal Lathe Training

The Protospace metal lathe training course consists of a five step process completed by the student on their own time and at their own schedule:

Step 1: Review the below required materials.

Step 2: Complete the qualification exam. Link to the exam as well required information is provided at the end of this page

Step 3: Review and plan the practical project requirements. The practical project is standardized and students will have the theory required to plan their practical at the completion of the course. Students are expected to be prepared to complete the practical with minimal input from the instructor regarding theory and order of operations.

Note: Steps 2 and 3 may be done in either order and are completed on the students own time and schedule

Step 4: Contact a metal lathe trainer and arrange a one-on-one practical session

Step 5: Successfully complete the practical project with the lathe trainer, if successful the lathe trainer will sign you off to use the lathe

Part 1: Safety

Review the following video on lathe safety: