Approved policies/Legal Notices

Revision as of 08:41, 29 August 2019 by Cjs (talk | contribs)

These notices are also provided in PDF Format. In case of disagreement, the version approved by motion as recorded in the minutes prevails.

Data Service Providers Notice

Calgary Protospace Ltd makes use of computer networks to access data. Internet packets may travel routes that are not limited to Canadian networks. In addition, Protospace uses or may use externally hosted email and “cloud services” (such as Google Docs/Drive, OneDrive, or QuickBooks Online) for business purposes.

Accordingly, members are advised that Protospace data may be transmitted or stored on computers or computer networks that are located outside of Alberta or outside of Canada.

This notice is provided in compliance with section 13.1 of the Personal Information Protection Act of Alberta. For more information about the Act, visit If you have questions about the use of cloud services or networks at Calgary Protospace Ltd, contact, or attend a monthly members’ meeting.

Information Collection Notice

When you first apply to be a member of Calgary Protospace Ltd, we will collect your name, address and telephone number (and/or other necessary personal information). When approved for membership, and before being issued a key, a Director will verify that your name matches a piece of identification. As you participate in events, training and activities, you may choose to provide additional information relevant to the event.

We will use your information to:

  • confirm your identity
  • set up a membership in your name
  • match financial transactions (such as dues payments) to your membership
  • create computer accounts and/or building access credentials for you
  • record your ability to use various tools and equipment
  • notify you of upcoming events, including:
    • mandatory notifications, such as notice of extra-ordinary general meetings, in accordance with the law and our Articles of Association,
    • optional notifications, such as training opportunities
  • contact you or your designate in the event of an emergency

We may disclose your personal information:

  • to you
  • to a person who we are satisfied is requesting the information on your behalf
  • when required by law
  • to a public authority if, in our reasonable judgment, there appears to be an imminent danger which could be avoided by disclosing the information
  • volunteers who to perform the functions listed above
  • in the case of your name, membership level, and current membership status, other members of Calgary Protospace Ltd.

This notice is provided in compliance with section 13 of the Personal Information Protection Act of Alberta. For more information about the Act, visit If you have any questions about the collection of your personal information, contact, or attend a monthly members’ meeting.