Approved policies/Termination

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Termination Policy and Procedures

As adopted January 10, 2015

Termination for Non-Payment

Any member who has not paid dues for three months and has not made alternate arrangements shall

lapse for non-payment, and no longer be a member. This is an administrative process and does not

require a vote.

Additional Policies and Procedures regarding classes of membership and payment of dues may also be


Termination by Complaint or Egregious Acts

The following processes are implemented to allow for the termination of a membership:

1. If a member feels that another member is acting in a manner not consistent with the goals and

culture at Protospace, they may make a complaint by either:

a. Providing a written complaint/concern to any director, or

b. Emailing a complaint/concern to

2. The Directors may initiate this process on their own, after having become aware of potential

member misconduct through any other avenue, including the public or the media.

3. Upon receiving a complaint, or becoming aware of an issue, the Directors will use their

judgment in the best interests of Protospace to determine if the issue represents an egregious

act and requires an immediate response to protect Protospace, its reputation, or other

members, or if it is a matter that can be resolved in due course.

a. Egregious acts may include criminal acts, harm to another member, public displays of

unacceptable behavior, etc.

b. Non-egregious acts may be a matter of disagreement, less serious breech of policies or

personality conflict.

c. Non-egregious acts may not be dismissed or ignored by the Directors, but do not

warrant immediate action or suspension of a member.

4. If the Directors agree that the situation is egregious or urgent, the Directors will:

a. Immediately suspend the membership of the member,

b. De-activate any credentials or door access, pending resolution as below.

c. Advise the membership of the situation, maintaining appropriate levels of

confidentiality as regard to details.

d. Advise the effected member by letter, email or fax. (Verbal notification may also be


Calgary Protospace Ltd Page 1 of 2 Termination Policy and Procedures

Bay 108, 1530 27 Avenue NE Adopted January 10, 2015

Calgary, AB, Canada

e. At the next general or monthly members’ meeting a motion to overturn the Directors’

decision will automatically be presented (this is an automatic review/appeal). In this

case, the motion must pass with the required majority and quorum to overturn the

Directors action. If the appeal motion fails, the suspended membership will

automatically terminate.

5. If the Directors do not believe that the situation warrants immediate suspension, then:

a. A director will advise the member that a complaint or concern has been raised.

b. A director will offer to put the prospective member in contact with any member who

has concerns, if both parties are agreeable. This is in the hopes that differences can be


c. The member may choose to terminate his or her membership.

d. The member(s) with concerns may choose to withdraw their concerns.

e. If the member wishes to continue their membership, and concerns remain, then the

issue will be brought to the next General or Monthly Members’ meeting.

i. At that meeting, the member(s) with concerns may present a motion to

terminate the membership of the member.

ii. Each concerned party may make statements, as may other members. Non-civil

statements will not be tolerated.

iii. If a motion is presented, the membership will vote on any such motion to

terminate a member’s rights.

iv. In this case, the motion must pass with the required majority and quorum to

terminate the membership.

6. Any member terminated under this process may not reapply for a minimum of one year and

must be re-vetted.

7. In this process the term “Directors” means a majority of the Directors, not a single Director

acting alone.

NOTE: “Egregious” acts that result in the Directors suspending a membership require majority approval

to overrule the Directors and REINSTATE the membership. “Non-Egregious acts” (complaints by one

member against another) require a majority to TERMINATE the membership.