Sewing machine, domestic (Singer 1802) ID:120

Revision as of 21:48, 5 December 2021 by Kent.brockman (talk | contribs)

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Type Domestic sewing machine
Make/Model Singer 1802
Serial number ???
Original owner Anonymous
Loan status Donated to Protospace
Arrival date 2017-05-19
Location Sewing room
Functional status Working
Usage permissions Open to members
Certification Know how to use a sewing machine
Wiki-ID 120
Label 1.0" 1.5" 2.0"


Manual (PDF)


At the members' meeting for May 2017 (on the 17th), it was decided to either repair or dispose of, within 30 days, the two domestic sewing machines we currently had. On the 19th, they were disposed of, and this machine was put in the sewing area to replace them.